Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sapling Mishapling

This is what's left of my sapling. Yes, that's right, after being savagely vandalized by goats (darn goats), I planted it back with two remaining leaves and now nada. Just the stem.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What desktop are you going tto wear today my good GUI?

I've been thinking about displaying my less than ordinary themes for a while now. While most people have ultra cool, jazzed-up themes mine are pretty plain and boring. Vista looks good (excuse me for disagreeing with all you design gurus and anything MS haters you you) and I tried to get something to emulate it without extra programs clogging up my system. Well unfortunately the package I got requires disabling a certain safety feature running in windows. Hmmm, so I ended up with something I created partly because unusual situations and visuals stimulate new brain connections, and I needed a new desktop:
This is the personalized color scheme that I used almost all the time previously.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

No can blog!

I haven't been able to upload any images to my blog for a day and now. I'm not sure what's up, but till I figure it out not much blogging for moi :.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Ok, i'm not to sure about the details of this festival as in when, how long it takes place etc. But I know the story behind it (not sharing) and some festivities including this floral arrangement that nearly everyone partakes in. Usually there are contests for the biggest and best but the homegrown non-competitive variety is purely just for its own sake.

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What a sap.

This is how rubber is obtained from a rubber tree. The grooves are cut into the bark and lead down towards a collector. The collectors look like halve coconut shells to me but I'm somewhat certain they're not. The little green shades are to prevent rain water from mixing with the rubber, um, 'juice'.

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Follow the signs

On my journey recently to Puttaparti in the state of Andhra Pradesh, me and my father decided to take a walk see. This is the road sign along a route which leads out of the town. The script bears only a sparse similarity to my own language and the letter forms seem to be phonetically different by tallying with its english counterparts just below.
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Interesting phenomenon

I came by this interesting water feature at a local carwash

Hiatus Much?

Finally, I can blog again. To that affect a neat and quick entry of my little cactus ori.