Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Firefox shortcuts

Mozilla Firefox IconImage via Wikipedia
I know browsing online is usually a one handed activity with most people blissfully unaware that there are more than a few ways to hasten processes. Granted browsing faster isn't the goal here, it's browsing more efficiently. We all know how draining it can be in most cases, especially when the time frame extends to more than an hour or so. 

Here are some shortcuts that I stumbled upon and thought i'd make it into a limited, non-exhaustive, compendium and add to it from other sources and my own trials in the future. **** I've only tried these out on Firefox 3.6.13 so don't know if they are valid on other versions or browsers. ****

In the address bar, which is where you type in the website's address or URL (pronounced Earl) you can just type the name of the site without the prefix and suffix and press the following for a few different domain extensions:
  • Control + Enter - inserts the site name within www and .com
  • Shift + Enter - inserts the site name within www and .net
  • Control + Shift + Enter - inserts the site name within www and .org
If there are multiple tabs open, then holding down the Control key and pressing the Tab key will successively cycle through the open tabs. Control + 'T' will open a new tab.

To navigate between web pages, Control + Left arrow will take you the previous page you were one and Control + Right arrow will take you to the next latest page opened.

Happy [efficient] browsing folks. And happy holidays.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

RED, a personal review

RED was unexpectedly delightful and entertaining. A movie about retired agency veterans who are now deemed liabilities and targeted. The retirees however prove that they're stalwart as ever. The scenarios are somewhat whimsical but stay within the bounds of reality, somewhat.
Bar one certain scene which seemed a bit surreal and unmistakeably CGI-like, the action sequences were explosive and enthralling without being over the top. The scene in question is where Bruce Willis non-nonchalantly steps out of a skidding car; it looks more realistic in the movie than in the trailers.
The plot isn't too complex, but sufficient. RED is one of the few pleasant surprises of fall 2010.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And the winner is: Amazon's Kindle Wifi

So without blogging further details about other e-readers (first), I decided to go ahead with the Kindle Wifi.

For a variety of reasons I chose the Kindle over the others, primarily because of value. Even though being in Ireland means I had to put up with ridiculous shipping and import charges (estimated) from the US Amazon site,
                [ note: It's not possible to purchase from if you're in Ireland or other countries; 
                       it is a good deal for UK residents though. ]
it still only cost me around € 147 in total. Comparing that to other top brands with 6 inch screens, it's a bargain. ****The only comparable pricing (€ 100-150) I could get was with the Sony PRS - 600 touch and pocket models available at Hughes & Hughes in the Stephen's Green Shopping Center in Dublin. But that's last year's model with glare issues.****

On a side note, I did have use for my laws of purchasing in deciding. The first one was completely fulfilled since it's been a good few years since I came across the [my] first ever e-reader. I'm assuming it was the Sony PRS 300 from youtube videos. It looked like a novel idea but the price was inhibitive and the refresh rate for pages was painful. The second rule was hard to follow at first, but, eventually, international shipping and duties made it a hell of a lot easier. I had wanted (still do) the Kindle DX, which is more suitable for textbooks and content with diagrams, reference material etc. but factoring in the extra costs drove it to the upper limits of € 300 mark. Not to mention that with upcoming technological advances such colour e-readers, simliar to e-ink technology, virtue of companies like mirasol (Anticipated to enter the fray and with larger screens with more features inevitably becoming cheaper within the next year or so) the Wifi only model seems a very prudent purchase.

The Kindle's built-in Wifi was a strong selling point. Even though the primary use isn't web-browsing, it does enable searching for books and getting more information possible on the go and without being tethered to a computer.The only difference between the Wifi and 3G models is the 3G and that isn't very compelling to pay a higher price. A larger screen on the other hand would've warranted it. Now I just have to wait to get my hands on it to review and read like a mad scientist, or some other person who likes reading, madly.
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dony's three laws of purchasing

Isaac Asimov's three laws of robotics enabled otherwise sentient robots from harming humans, following commands of their masters and self preservation; each law being unequivocal where it didn't contravene the previous rule. This was of course an umbrella logic on top of an already complex reasoning ability, logic and burgeoning sentient cognizance. Its use was only in circumstances of great perplexity, a sort of short-circuit to action.

These rules are reminiscent of those robotic laws, where, in a bid to protect myself from myself, and profit hungry corporations, I've come upon a set which should provide a failsafe when I would hit a certain inevitable dilemma - value of a technology versus cost, more importantly, affordability given my limited financial means and ever quickening obsolescence of technology. Even though it would go against my wants, it should present favour to one side more than the other thus breaking dead-lock in choices or incessant vacillation in the most extreme cases.

Ergo, Dony's rules of acquiring technology are thus:
  1. Never buy first generation.
    (There are almost always technical shortcomings and limited to no user based adaptations. In other words no real world testing.)
  2. Never buy the most expensive item in any category. Opt for middle to second most.
    (Given Moore's law, technology usually obsolesces at a set rate. It's not worth paying that high a price anyway. Middle rates are more economical and yields comparatively, if not significantly, lesser buyers' remorse if the decision isn't up to par.)
  3. Forgo the previous two rules if exceptionally wealthy or cost of the device is 1/6th, or less, of monthly income and/or of vital importance.
    (This is of course notwithstanding rent, other expenses or obligations)
signed - I, Dony.

These rules should hasten decision making and yield less expense, and guilt, in acquisition which should free up revenue for acquiring future purchases. One shortcoming is that this is most salient to offerings from the same company. Of course, with a little modification it should aid in selecting the right purchase from various companies' offerings. Happy hunting.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Where to find free e-books

BooksImage via Wikipedia
Looking into the E-reader scene, one of my driving factors in garnering which device would be the best buy was the availability of free E-books from sources other than the proprietary ones. This list is a selection of ones I found and is reassuring that whichever device you choose, most sites seem to offer formats that work with all the major devices out there. Plus the availability of free E-books adds in favor of buying an E-book period.

Clicking on titles takes you to but still appears to be connected to the site. Formats available are:
  • Kindle (.mobi)
  • EPub
  • LRF (Sony)
  • Palm Doc (PDB)
  • PDF
  • RTF (Rich Text Format)
  • Plain Text (viewable online and download)
  • Online Reading (HTML or Javascript)
At first glance it seems that the only available format is Epub, but the supported devices page provides a few different avenues. It includes a link to a dedicated Kindle page.
Formats available:
  • Epub
  • Kindle (.mobi)
Formats Available:
  • HTML
  • Epub
  • Kindle
  • PDF
  • Plucker
  • QiOO Mobile
Formats available:
Haven't explored this yet so unable to comment on formats or other information. Contains a list of sites that could potentially yield E-books freely. Included among them is so might be promising.

This site seems to have decent quality and range of downloads.
  • Formats available:
  • ePub (.epub)
  • eReader (.pdb)
  • Kindle (.azw)
  • Mobipocket (.mobi and .prc)
  • PDF - regular, custom and large (.pdf)
  • Plain text (.txt)
  • RTF (.rtf)
  • Sony Reader (.lrf)
I haven't been able to look into this one yet. First impressions seems to be more of a indexical site than a free resource.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reasons to get an E-Reader

A Picture of a eBookImage via Wikipedia
Lately, my attention has been focused on E-readers. The reasons I'm pining for one are:
  1. I love books, and having lost a small collection of them a few years ago, I'm not hard pinned to invest money building a new one; so having a e-reader makes perfect sense as it would be hard to lose your collection as you can take it with you anywhere you go. 
  2. The fact what you can have everything you own with you at all times is a given.
  3. I read a bit of technical and reference books and most of the time I need my hands elsewhere and would require 2-3 books at a time. An e-reader cuts down on the hassle and clutter.
  4. I tend to read 3-4 leisure books at the same time and couldn't possibly carry all of them with me at all times.
  5. Being able to look down and trounce people who relegate e-readers as a fad and how they'll never take place of physical books. (Your opinions don't count you dinosaurs!)
Those are the "Why's" and "I wanna's." When it to comes to the question of selecting one, there are a slew of options. I had been waiting for the 1st and 2nd generation readers to pass as the response times were sluggish when turning pages, not to mention the price.

At present the prices have dropped, with brand name devices running around € 100 to over mid € 200. The only contention being that most of them are locked into their proprietary makers' e-book stores and formats. Some offer common existent formats such as .txt, .pdf etc but their rendering is either slow or lacking, and the much talked about ePub format is currently in the discussion phase. When amalgamated, it will enable an universal format for nearly all publishers and manufacturers thus enabling near similar reproduction on every device and opening up libraries to all users.

I will hopefully be delving into the details of specific e-readers soon enough. Till then hold your noses people.
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Friday, October 29, 2010

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'HooleImage by CityTalk via FlickrLegend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole is a coming of age story of young owlet 'Soren' where lore becomes reality. In this tale he's not only set to save his siblings from a tyrants grasp but also the fate of the free world by seeking out the legendary Guardian Owls.

This is an enchanting tale sure to entertain regardless of age. It's Lion King meets Lord of the rings with amazing charm and gorgeous CGI execution.
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

The social network movie

The social network is the unauthorised portrayal of the social networking phenomenon that's become as common place as sliced bread.

The tone is somber with staunch, sometimes mistaken as naivete, and unforgiving delivery from Jesse Eisenberg as progenitor and co-founder of facebook. It's hard to say how much of the movie is factual, as the creator had no contact whatsoever with Zuckerberg. And whether Zuckerberg's silence indicates the story is closer to reality or if he's beyond litigiousness, or just the rigors of it, is anybody's guess. The plot is based on the book "Accidental Billionaires," which is criticized by many as being overly dramatized, sexualised and imbellished.

The cold calculative business and legal processes, not to mention the science behind it all, has been somewhat muted given the limited time frame of the medium, but nonetheless detracts little from this riveting telling of this present day lore. The story is of genius, classes, drive, connections, alliances and misgivings. This should definitely be on everyone's movie list this fall - purely as entertainment.
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Monday, October 11, 2010


A movie that I wanted to avoid since I'd always seemed to have a tiny bit of claustrophobia when it came to the issue of being buried alive. This one however did not evoke any such reaction.

The realization that the protagonist was Ryan Reynolds might have had something to do with it. Seriousness just seems to vaporize when 'Van Wilder' comes on the screen. His portrayal wasn't lacking; it just wasn't enough to catalyze an atmosphere of dread nor the helplessness and inevitability of the situation. "Or maybe that's just me being cold because I'm dead inside."

The plot was very straight forward, but did offer some inventiveness regardless of how limited an environment the story was set in. Believability was somewhat tenuous, though, as it seemed improbable how much oxygen could be contained in such a space. And in one scene, the birds-eye type camera pan completely invalidates any sense of being closed in.

This wasn't my cup of tea, but might appeal to some by the gasps and other tracheal voicing from the rest of the audience.
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Birthday wishlist

I've narrowed down some items which are affordable, some items are less than half the others, and things I really want and would enjoy mostly. Without much further ado:

Vox headphone guitar amp: Comes in AC30, rock, or metal. Features an aux connection, this is the smallest guitar amp I could find and plugs right into your guitar. From videos on Youtube, I can only assume there is 
a headphone jack for private jamming whoo. Only catch is lack of controls which translates to buying a different type for the type of genre you're going after. Which brings me to the next item on my list.

Marshall mini amp: A miniature version of a full size Marshall amp with overdrive, tone and volume controls. Last I read somewhere online, it is powered by 9V battery or AC adapter and clips on with a belt clip. For private sessions a headphone jack is present. This is a serious contender on the list.

Starcraft 2, Wings of Liberty: Followup to the uber successful and arguably the longest running and most popular RTS, Starcraft. The original game which broke the mould with three races of varying strengths, weaknesses and strategies to employ has stood the test of time. This time around with improved graphics, units and a story line that picks up from where BroodWar left off. This is the one of three releases and focuses on the Terran episode. A personal personal favourite this title has single handedly reignited my passion for Starcraft, and gaming in general, and has started the embers glowing for a new laptop on which to play this incredible game.

The Starcraft Archive: An Anthology: A series of sci-fi going indepth view of almost everything that occurs between Starcraft and Starcraft 2. Each one delving into the different characters, eras, histories and complex interplay between warring political factions human Terrans, the technologically advanced Psi and warp capable Protoss and the terrifying, vicious onslaught of space traversing zerg. This anthology contains four titles that prime the reader for the Starcraft universe.

Starbucks Travel Mug: More of a necessity than brand statement, personal opinions this item at a 50/50 rating from friends who own it. A neat little thermal sealed mug that keeps heat or cold in and apparently is leak proof. Bonus. 
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blogging Tools

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
I’ve come to use a few tools when it comes to the task of blogging. It’s not usually hard to find information online when it comes to most anything but one thing that happens is loss of focus when dealing with the topic you might be free-writing or incubating. 

There are a plethora of tool available as add-ons for firefox that enable many features. The problem is just that, there are countless add-ons. Finding one that adds just the right type of functionality  to improve productivity or increase information or aesthetics without overwhelming features or crowding is crucial for me.

With that in mind Zemanta, is such a tool that helps to add a bit of colour to any blog. It scours sources of images which are usually available freely without licensing issues to insert into your blog. This is done on the fly and presents images in relation to the content being typed. Another feature is text links which you can select as well as tags based on content. Usually the links are a bit too much, highlighting almost every other word which Zemanta deems pertinent. Otherwise it offers a very simple system to link to other sources that might be of interest.

It is available for blogs as well as email and I’ve only used it on Firefox but it’s available on other browsers as well.
disclaimer: previously posted on my other blog.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wireless Keyboard and Mouse - PCLINE PCL-WOD1

Purely from a review perspective - On the PCLINE PCL-WOD1 wireless keyboard and mouse, while both devices were working, the keyboard wasn't as responsive as with some keys just failing to register while typing and having to retype it. The optical mouse didn't have the smoothest tracking, but, was adequate enough for average use.

Everything was fine at the get go but after a day the keyboard stopped working and I had to resort to my wired keyboard for a while. Nothing much occurred except a drop from a very low height of the keyboard since the purchase, and, I don't know if that was the reason it stopped working or not. Then again, it stopped working a day after that incident. I tried changing batteries, although I'm not sure the pack I had with me was that fresh or

I was almost ready to take it back when I took it back out, put in the batteries I had in when it stopped working, and it started working perfectly. Just to note, the mouse had been working without a hitch all this while.

While searching online for anything to help I came across this resource about the same device. And other searches for a website for the company only turned up a portal for driver downloads. There weren't any drivers available for this particular device. Whilst this post was up, the keyboard has failed again so after much hunting and running around for proof of payment I got it replaced for the same model. 

And after just under a month and half, the keyboard has stopped working again. I've taken it back for a refund, and, at this very moment, I'm back to my old wired keyboard and mouse. I highly suggest to anyone looking at this model not to purchase it and pay the extra € 15-25 for trusted brand name devices.I opted for a Logitech.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

HTML Dog: The Best-Practice Guide to XHTML and CSS

This is more relevant and applicable than most XHTML and CSS books. A somewhat more comprehensive beginners book would be advised to someone not quite familiar with the basics, as this deals with more practical issues, such as margin collapsing, cross browser issues, etc. however, it is still adequate for someone starting out.

The level is novice to intermediate level. The companion site provides almost all the same content and live examples, handy references to almost any XHTML/CSS query, as well as links to other sources. A definite read for anyone who would like reinforce and improve their XHTML/CSS knowledge.
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One Deadly Summer, by Sebastien Japrisot

An engrossing story about deception and revenge. A vicious cycle of events set in motion by egregious misdeeds of a few. The story is told from the vantage of 4-5 characters. The author has a gift of candidly, yet elegantly, portraying human nature and sexuality.

The many angled narrative is compelling, and the raw sensuality of the protagonist tantalizing, adding to the beauty of the plot. One of my favorite reads. A must read for anyone who is into intrigue and suspense.
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

After having missed a chance at buying what seemed to be a really good wireless keyboard and mouse from Lidl, I managed to get another equally good bargain. This time it was from merging sales of PC World and Currys in Blanchardstown. I'm not sure what brand the Lidl offering was, although a little shout out to my neighbour, who bought it, would reveal it.They are both € 20, although the one from PC World was marked down from € 24.

I am currently using it as we speak, so to speak. Not too bad a response from the keyboard and mouse, however, I have yet to change any settings on the system apart from the mouse sensitivity. The sensitivity was way higher than my wired mouse.

There is an option of setting the resolution lower on the mouse although I might not try it unless there is significant battery savings. The keyboard has useful keys such as volume mute and up/down which is highly warranted for me as I use a laptop on a table near the couch.The single USB connection saves on an extra USB port and the wireless nature offers a lot less clutter and tangle.

I had used a wireless keyboard and mouse from Microsoft 5-6 years ago. The experience wasn't too great, and I couldn't justify owning something for that price so I decided to sell it. It wasn't the same usb stick type base. More like a chunky thing that sat there and took up space. Things have improved since then, noticeably the usb connections and the battery life. Something i'd really like to own was the Logitech keyboard and mouse combo for at home or just the Logitech wireless laser mouse with nano unifying USB receiver if I'm using a netbook or smaller laptop on the go. Although the PC Line wireless keyboard and mouse I have at the moment doesn't have extra buttons or features, I will be happy with it for a while to come yet. Read this for my further usage experiences.
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Monday, August 30, 2010

HTML for the World Wide Web with XHTML and CSS, Fifth Edition (Visual QuickStart Guide)

My first foray into the world of HTML, XHTML and a splash of CSS. This book helped me on my first baby steps with the building blocks and foundations of website design.

The level is beginner to intermediate and as with all good technical books, starts off at the very beginning and describes the history of the web, technologies, browser wars, the different flavours of HTML, best practices and proper coding tips. The book also explains defunct and proprietary tags as well as elements and their use/misuse.The crucial role of separating content from design is explained via the dichotomy of XHTML and CSS.

This is a very good starting point and handy reference book for anyone looking to start off on a path of web design. I would recommend it to anyone who has the patience and dedication. Some parts of the book are a bit hard to digest, but not by much.Overall its step by step definition and tutorials will leave you feeling ready to take on the finer aspects of XHTML & CSS.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Whatever You Say I am: The Life and Times of Eminem - A review

A close up examination of the rise of Marshall Bruce Mathers III, the author delves into the underlying circumstances of what made him into a formidable rapper - relentless, unforgiving, barrage of verbal assaults coupled with the ability to weave narratives and a unique rhyme and musical style. The focus of his music often an assuage on the harshness of childhood, teenage and later years; also, his often explosive relationship with his mother and wife.

The book is somewhat sycophantic a quarter ways in, but the rest is a fairly accurate appraisal of the musical scene holistically, its evolution and influences on Eminem in particular. The book also showcases the landscape of rap from its birth to its darkest hour in the gangland style shooting of Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur to the resurgence of rap as a materialistic grandioseness to the nihilistic, incendiary tendencies found in Eminem’s verses.

Midway through, the particular issue of proliferation and gratuity afforded him by his race and ability are drawn out and perused, amongst social awareness, barriers and the trials and tribulations of segregation versus integration endemic in the Mid West.

The later half focuses on the socio-economic rise and fall of Detroit – The Motor City. The backdrop of Marshall Mathers’ life, home to the once booming automotive industry to its decline and decrepitude, also on a cultural level as Motown moved house.

The personal level of connection the author has with Eminem adds credence and some of the narratives are reminiscent of the story telling style of ‘Guilty Conscience’ in light of the author’s first few encounters with the rapper and his life. Also reveals the man behind the masks (Eminem, Slim Shady), the true Marshall Mathers past the streetwise, witty, entrepreneur, the deeper, calmer persona, doting father, someone who just wants to be left alone and free from the repressive economic drudgery and enslavement. In his ability to translate that to verse while transcending and achieving his goals lies the ubiquitous appeal he has garnered in his loyal fans. This book is an excellent read for fans of Eminem as well as a primer for the uninitiated to the hip-hop scene.

Disclaimer: This excerpt taken from my previous posting elsewhere online.
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Monday, August 2, 2010


A-Team is based on the classic 80's TV show of the same name. This modern day blockbuster shows the team's inception by kismet. After a decade of service together, unscrupulous clandestine government agencies and their ulterior motives sees the team tangled up in an operation which leads to their incarceration and finally a life lead on the lam as soldiers of fortune.

The cast include Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, and Sharlto Copley.

A-Team is a movie choc full of action and humour and a plot line even though not too taxing, still a very good one. The stunts are very well choreographed in terms of technical merit and creativity. A completely entertaining must watch movie of the summer.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Splice (film)Image via Wikipedia

The Sunday evening viewing was Splice. This time hardly had a clue about it as it wasn't as advertised to death in the cinema's before hand.

Starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley as geneticists who recombine DNA from various organisms to create ones that yield highly valuable genetic products. In the process, they create a creature with human DNA. The result is a humanoid creature with animal extremities, agility, tendencies you name it.

The first half of the movie was evocative and emotionally gripping as it left you contemplating the issues of attachment and sympathy to a part human entity. It was deeply moving and thought provoking realizing that a creature like that even though with human like cognition would be caged and studied
had its existence been known. Leading one to wonder about the under developed nature of human mentality, society and how long it would be before bureaucratic and financial aspirations would cease to be the governing and driving factors.

From such profundity the plot deteriorated to a typified sci-fi horror flick with some scenes that had the audience in throes of laughter
. Fans of the Aliens/Species rave might approve of it but I for one found it unpalatable.
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Monday, July 26, 2010

The Karate Kid

The new Karate Kid starring Jaden Smith (son of Will Smith) and none other than the legendary martial arts movie star, the man himself Jackie Chan is a remake of the classic 80's name sake.

Obvious deviances include a switch from the US to mainland China, Mr, Miyagi is replaced by his present incarnation Mr. Han (Jackie Chan). Resultant to this displacement is the fact that the movie name is grossly misrepresentative, as it's gone from Karate to Kung-fu in this new iteration.

The air is somewhat more mature and sombre than the original with solid performances by Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith.
Jaden bears likenesses to his dad in terms of personality and comedic pitch which is evident at various parts of the movie.

The backdrop ranges from urban china to monastic hills lush and serene, a refuge for masters to train and meditate. The action is realistic and believable with moves that are well choreographed and executed, no hint of wires or CGI here. However, one scene with a hooded cobra leaves something to be desired for as the computer generated serpent looked a bit too unreal.

The experience was wholly satisfying when blockbusters abound which leave you wanting for more. I for one wouldn't mind watching it again.
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Inception, a personal review

Cover of "Inception"
Cover of Inception
I've just had the pleasure of a weekend movie spree, starting with Inception on Friday, Karate Kid on Saturday, and Splice on Sunday evening.

Inception was something i've been dying to watch ever since it came out about a week ago. The plot and storyline weren't too hard to follow if one keeps tabs on the opening and closing of the each dream session, which would give the explicit number of sessions as portrayed in the storyline - just under a handful. Whether there exist other sessions encapsulating the overall universe of the plot or subsequent sessions at the finality of the movie is open to debate.

The visuals and stunts are breath taking; one scene in particular which sidesteps the usual Hollywood dismissal as CGI or sound stage illusion is the prolonged free fall effect inside a building. It instills as sense of wonder and awe as to how it could have been achieved, something which hardly any movie elicits nowadays.

The cast include heavy hitters Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Michael Caine. Joseph Gordon-Levitt of the fame 3rd Rock from the Sun and Ellen Page (Juno) add to the line up amongst others.

Overall it's a movie worth watching but does not live up to the hype that's come to surround it.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Blog

As I previously blogged a while back I've decided to start a blog on techie stuff so this is my first post on said site:
"After what seems the 10th or so blog, here's one where I will be dedicating to posts about: technologies, productivity, software, coding and the like. For the lack of a better name I shall call it 'd O N Y' my signature mark until a more suitable one can be thought of."
It shall be up and running shortly and should have content coming up a regular intervals. (fingers crossed)

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Exam 2

So far I've finished two exams out of four. Today was supposed to be a really wonderful day of hanging out in the library, getting on top of things - looking for post graduate degrees and applying, making new cv's studying for the final two. But instead, I went to DCU to find out about postgraduates knowing full well I wouldn't be interested in anything outside the city center in a big state run institution that would charge through the nose. Right now i'm run down, entirely unmotivated, distraught for no apparent reason and without using a library computer.

University Sports ComplexImage via Wikipedia

Now don't get me wrong, i love working on a large flatscreen with a powerful new machine. It is however not the most ergonomically designed work desk i'm sitting on and I cannot personalise it with all my software tools. Zemanta being the notable primary.

Zemanta basically gives suggestions for content and imagery that it believes is relevant to what you are typing in almost real-time. So far I haven't had the opportunity to customize it too well but it does lend a fair share of imagery that although not too relevant does come in handy.
Well that's enough of that I need to get productive. Ciao
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Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring really? Summer, you don't say.

The Soul of ColdImage by Pensiero via Flickr
Now I love the warmth and light of Spring come summer. But I do not understand people who start walking around in shorts and tank tops when it's barely reaching double digits. It's fine on a sunny day, but when it's chilly and overcast, not to mention windy, do not stare at me like there's something wrong.
I'm from a hot part of the world so barley 10 degrees does not equate to oh my god, I must wear linen and shades or I will die of a heatstroke.

Maybe it's my genetic prediposition and lack of body fat but i'm comfortable and oh so glad to be walking around wearing a jacket and scarf. It's not 30 degrees so pardon me for not breaking out the beach towel and sunscreen.
Speaking of sunscreen here is a very motivational yet sombre video: Everybody is free to wear sunscreen
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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Right so since i've hardly blogged anything of relevance lately, I thought i'd start again. This time I have plans to start another branch: A Technological, productivity type blog and a design/coding blog. We all got to start somewhere nes pas?

Some things I want to look into soon for the technological one:
!) Wireless mice
@) Graphic tablets
#) Netbooks

As for coding/design I could blend topics such as the graphic tablet into that. BOO YEAY.

Hopefully i'll have the time to research and write reviews, but it will have to be based on secondary research because I just cannot afford to buy items just so I can review them. The point of reviewing them is so I can buy the right one for me.

Ok I should be studying now.... so :/ goodbye.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I got sunshine, on a cloudy day.

It's odd having sunshine after several months of micro days intermittenly laced with a break peek of sunshine.

Personally I find a bit chilly even though as soon as the temperature climbs northward of plus five degrees, the shorts and skirts come out. So at times I feel odd walking aroud with a scarf and hat, even though it's needed the times the sunlight is eclipsed by buildings or other structures.

Now if I only get the time to enjoy it...
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