Sunday, March 31, 2013

Javascript resources

Now as per my plan of beefing up my skills repertoire I've decided to roll up my sleeves and head back into programming and scripting languages. Now as I've mentioned in my post on critical mass, I need an intial massive push to get into it and then almost similar exertion to maintain and create interia to not only maintain my regiment but to gain enough readily retrievable knowledge that will pragmatic.
 To that end I've landed on a few resources, free, online that I'll be using. The first one is a catchall of links to free, or otherwise, resources available either online or in print.

The next consists of various sites online which appears to be somewhat comprehensive and pragmatic in approach:

Now I've considered the sites from a somewhat superficial perspective as I haven't started any of them, yet. Even so a well designed layout is conducive for effective learning and searching. So navigation is prime; it not only serves as a guideline but also helps to set bookmarks as you progress.

Apart from the pure Javascript resources I've also stumbled across a few others. To start off is a site for jQuery basics which has intro to Javascript. This will be a nice transition for those who want to delve into jQuery:
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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Critical Mass - A learning ideology

Ok one thing I've had very little success with over the past few years has to be Javascript. I assume the lack of learning is common to most everything and not just Javascript but the thing I am talking about is the not being able to progress upto critical mass.

What is critical mass? 

Well I hypothesized that it is the accumulation of knowledge and practice which is mostly readily available for recall. Another way to describe it would be achieving a certain level of core competency so as to be able to use it after a relatively prolonged period of disuse - the learned bicycle riding skill, which is proposed to be a lifelong  scenario if you will.

Critical mass is often attributed to nuclear reactions where an initial emission of one particle leads to triggering neighbor particles until a chain reaction occurs. Another analogy can be based on the Sun. It needs a certain amount of core material which would:
  1. Provide enough fuel to start and maintain a reaction to last millions of years, and,
  2. equally important, enough fuel so gravity can create the necessary pressure to start the reaction
Learning is similar. Enough of the basic repertoire of the subject, along with a substantive body of knowledge to combine those elements to create something new as well enough core material to hold and maintain the particular skill as a long lasting asset is all needed to not only start but to progress to higher levels.

Personal Observations

Now with XHTML and CSS, I was able to guide myself from scratch to being able to hand code semi solid pages. Even after a prolonged period away I've still retained enough to be able to muck about in some code here and there.

With the likes of JAVA I had formal training, so I cannot profess to having learned it from scratch, even though I'm currently undergoing the process of relearning it after a long hiatus.

The issue is not one of just finding the suitable materials and approach to appropriate knowledge, but being able to progress to, and past, a certain threshold which will ensure that it will remain of a viable nature. In other words, something that is retained and later usable.

Now I decided that in order to best elucidate and illustrate 'critical mass' would be to slowly iterate it while traversing differing topics such as timetabling, to-do lists and through the progress of my various skill development endeavours. So more about this as time progresses.
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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wreck-It Ralph

Here's a nice little movie from Disney, minus the sometimes tedious songs. It's a good homage to retro gaming with little visual and auditory accoutrements to take a body back to the good aul days of 8 bit, and less, enchantment.

As usually as Disney does, the story is a great tale with properly executed plot, albeit with somewhat less than memorable characters. The tale, however, is refreshing with interwoven character storylines subtly interspersed to keep the plot alive and engaging. Most often it's easy to guess the outcomes but in rare moments of this film the great ghost of unexpected anticipation harkens one back to the days of naivete when the mind and senses were not as jaded. 

Where the movie suffered is lack of depth when it comes to video game history, although the features it skims over is noteworthy. Another aspect is the brief and limited blending of the modern state of video gaming with the old.

These shortcomings will be glossed over by most viewers as they would have little more than a passing interest in games of yore or gaming in general. Although by not being aware you do miss out on little video game gems of references throughout, this is a thoroughly warming, entertaining animation.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wherefore art thou Andrio[d]

My latest jaunt back into the world of Java sees me trying to take two birds with one stone. In so keeping, I've decided to simultaneously learn, or relearn Java, and delve into Android to boot. Considering both will be done through Eclipse and Java is the language de jour, it's actually a no brainer not to.

I'll start off with the Android environment as by now setting up Eclipse with the required JDK is near effortless. Eclipse with Android is an almost completely different beast. The last time I'd setup either one was two years ago 1   and 2

I'd had set up Eclipse with Android more than two years ago and it was arduous and prone to lapses between the description of how to set it up and actual eventualities. Most of this was due to the ever changing nature of updates and software packages, but I did eventually manage to get it set up properly after much prodding and online help.

Fast forward

At the moment the entire Android SDK and installation has changed noticeably. I'm between resources utilizing info from the Android developer portal and

Initially I was halted in my progress of setting up the environment because I didn't realise that Android works with JDK 6, not 7. After that, it turned out that 32 bit versions of Android SDK, JDK and Eclipse builds are required. The development environment bundle that is available to download from Android is supposed to be 64 bit but for the moment I'll be happiest with a regular Eclipse build with Andriod added on. Note: The Android bundle includes the IDE, SDK and JDK required.

Here's a brief outline of what I had to do to resolve issues:

February 27th 2013
- Eclipse Juno 32 bit (installed successful)
- Android ADT (installed successfully on second attempt)
- Android SDK zipped file (problem installing in Eclipse)
- Android SDK installer file (problem still persists)

Signed out at 22:52 hrs

February 28th; Signed in at 19:55 hrs
- Attempts to sort out Android SDK manager launch issue (manager will not deploy either directly or through Eclipse IDE)

Starting with a clean slate at 20:57 hrs
 - Eclipse Juno reinstalled
 - JDK 6 install (install successful: in 'D:\Progra~1(x86)\')
 - SDK launch issue sorted via Android.bat patch :

 - Android SDK manager updates (successfully loaded all prescribed updates after 3 tries)

Bar a few details, eventually I managed to setup an Android SDK, ADT with the latest version of Eclipse. I've installed JDK 7 as well, for beginning development in Java separate from Android.
Hopefully everything will work well together.

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Fare thee well, aul buddy

Ok something I regret not doing with all of my previous systems that I'd owned -
  • written down the system specs &
  • pictures
Ah better late than never. So here's my old system that I will be handing over:

Processor: AMD Athlon 3500+ (64 bit)
Clock speed: 1.45 Ghz
System Memory : 1.25 GB
Graphics Chip: ATI Radeon Xpress 200M
Graphics Memory: 128 MB (dedicated)
HDD: 95 GB
Screen: 15.4 inches
Optical Drive: DVD/CD burner combo drive
Just a basic description. Not that I can think of any other detail worth recording at the moment. But given that there's always a chance some time in the future a niggling instance might occur when you need, well actually want, a bit more detailed info about a particular specification... ah well.

With all the hoopla and bling associated with the current range of laptops and OSes, the Compaq with windows XP is a hardy, reliable system and letting go seems harder than it should. Apart from Ubuntu I can't think of an another GUI that comes close to functionality over appearance and the utility you gain from it, which prima facie is the more important than looks.

So that's it, so long old buddy of 7 odd years. Parting is a bittersweet moment.

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