Disparate movies at times seem to share similarities. It could be anything from the scene, characters or action sequences and outcomes.
Here is a list of such analogous commonalities found in movies.
Robocop 2 Vs Iron Man 2:
In Robocop 2, the ending battle is between Robocop and um, Robocop 2. The protagonist is faced with a superior cyborg in terms of size and firepower. After ascending to the top of the skyscraper after the new borg was unveiled, both units plummet to the street, subsequently where, the protagonist overcomes his opponent by jumping on the baddie's back and ripping out the brain.
In Iron Man 2, after climbing to the upper limits of the atmosphere, both parties fall to earth, although not in unison. After the culmination of the battle on the ground, Iron Man gets on the back of the bigger suit wearer, and rips out a vital assembly to terminate the monster.
The Incredible Hulk Vs The League of extraordinary Gentlemen:
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, plus a lady vampire, has a scene where Mr. Hyde meets up with baddie injected with a substance isolated from his blood sample surreptitiously gained earlier in the movie. The new beast thus created is bigger and stronger than Mr. Hyde and somewhat dis formed. After a romp Mr. Hyde wins out.
In The Incredible Hulk, The Hulk faces the a bigger stronger version of himself. In similar fashion, the technology which causes the "Hulkification" was administered to the captain of the team assigned to capture him and further dosage creates the superior Hulk monster which faces of against the original. Both meet and eventually the Hulk overcomes the superior foe.