Got keys and chains somehow need a way to put them together? Well you're definitely going to need these.
First we have everyone's in your face, irreverent, iconoclast whose vivisection of society is at once acerbic as it is astute - the inimitable Rick Sanchez asssssss Pickle Rick! I mean who wouldn't like a pickle in their pockets or purse right?
Next we have Mr Meeseeks. If nothing else to remind you to stay on track with goals and be single minded till it's done is a great ideology. Otherwise existence is pain.
What's Rick without Morty eh? Or what's Morty without Rick? It's the whole chicken and the egg, I must confess I need to go back through the episodes to get back into it and the lore, but arguably one needs the other or are they a complement to one another? Are they the SAME person?? I'm just grasping at random thoughts here. I'm sure the fanlore or actual mythology might be more interesting. In the meanwhile have this as a constant reminder of that dynamic always at hand. Also comes with a neat dog tag with the show's title.
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*The links provided are affiliate links, using which means I will receive a small commission without any cost to you. The items described have not been personally used but have been selected by product ratings and review. Purchase dicsretion is advised.