Between the latest release of Marvel Spider-Man movies, for some odd reason I got the notion of Spider-
Man being in a some far away world or dimension. And at the time I assumed it was due to the snap that happens in Avengers: Infinity War.
Spider-Man: Far From Home seemed to be the ideal candidate, but no. It was just a trip to Europe, a rite of passage for any middle class, and higher, North American college student. The premise was meagre at best and didn't seem to offer anything except a side quest far far from anything worthwhile.
Neither that nor this latest release - Spider-Man: No Way Home - has our titular hero far from anything in the standalone series. Just far from unambiguous and inspiring titling.
Also with the recent Disney imbued Marvel releases being completely lackluster and insipid 2nd tier movies - I'm looking at you Shang-Chi and Eternals - I wondered if this would be good.
Being the first movie I've seen in a cinema (or cinema in the thee-yatre if yer British arrr matey) since Thanos' Snap, er I mean Covid-19 took the world stage, this still carries the traits of Marvel movies from the golden era. By golden ear I mean just the last decade or so since the first Iron Man.
It's not bombastic, instead has beautifully choreographed, visually gorgeous action scenes, mixed with a the subtle and well spliced comedic interludes that only Marvel seems to be able to execute flawlessly. Except for Captain Marvel, that was a train running on asphalt.
And to top it all off, it pays homage to the originals. A magnanimous tribute, a reconciliation of iterations, an existentialist untangling. Emotionally provoking, this movie (Britsh: film-picture with sound) signals that Marvel franchise is still cable of producing stellar movies, not just in terms of box office numbers but also of pure entertainment. Mostly because Sony owns the rights and somewhat allowed Marvel to step away from the white glove clutches of the House of Mouse from dropping another dud.
- Martin Scorsese
Don't worry, Spider-Man: No Way Home did the thing with the Spider-Man Meme
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