Glad to be able to resurrect this blog. The clear cut and simple purpose has made it easy to do so. The need for a succinct daily blog to keep up with daily, skimmed and somewhat p.c. updates.
So much has happened since the last post, as in moved a total of three times since the last mentioned move. And now just waiting to move yet again. Hopefully this time it will be a decent room, inexpensive with all modern facilities (read: have to have internet or I will D I E ).
Almost at the end of 2nd year in college, somewhat on track to what I've always wanted in life. Well one out of my top 3 things in life. I just have to make sure I put in more than enough effort to make it work.
What else, well moved onto a new crush, hmmm. Yeah, women are just as elusive and infuriatingly frustatingly god-i'd-rather-stub-my-toe-repeatedly-ad infinitum grrr... yeh
A recent spate of world wide recession has made life all the bit more interesting. Work as of late has been dwindling to near nada, should be hopefully picking up soon; I hope. Oh I am a tele- marketer since last the last entry. Coming up to my first anniversary, whoo hoo!
Ok in keeping with the prime directives of this blog's purpose, I will sum up this entry with an update from lastnight:
Went out for Bri man's 21st, it was great craicage (cr-ACK-aige') had a few drinks, met up with my pals from work. MAN I MISSED DRINKING - cannot wait to do it again tomorrow night.
Helped the girls in class setup up their Nintendo Wii for a selling and sales presentation for monday as well as getting our equipment connected and tested. It sure is a fun machine...but I prefer my consoles with tons more graphical power...but I digress....
Anyway, as a bonus I get to keep the Xbox 360 we're demostrating for the weekend [SWEETNESS x2, can i hear an amen?] need to rent a game or two tonight.
So far today's been a somewhat unusual, been very energetic and running all over the place and it's beginning to come to a lull with the usual quiet night, dejectedly so. So here's a welcome back to my updato-blogmatic 2009. Cheers bud, missed ya. From now on writing will be intermittently consistent. Yeaaah. D out. More coming soon.