Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring really? Summer, you don't say.

The Soul of ColdImage by Pensiero via Flickr
Now I love the warmth and light of Spring come summer. But I do not understand people who start walking around in shorts and tank tops when it's barely reaching double digits. It's fine on a sunny day, but when it's chilly and overcast, not to mention windy, do not stare at me like there's something wrong.
I'm from a hot part of the world so barley 10 degrees does not equate to oh my god, I must wear linen and shades or I will die of a heatstroke.

Maybe it's my genetic prediposition and lack of body fat but i'm comfortable and oh so glad to be walking around wearing a jacket and scarf. It's not 30 degrees so pardon me for not breaking out the beach towel and sunscreen.
Speaking of sunscreen here is a very motivational yet sombre video: Everybody is free to wear sunscreen
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