Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blogging Tools

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
I’ve come to use a few tools when it comes to the task of blogging. It’s not usually hard to find information online when it comes to most anything but one thing that happens is loss of focus when dealing with the topic you might be free-writing or incubating. 

There are a plethora of tool available as add-ons for firefox that enable many features. The problem is just that, there are countless add-ons. Finding one that adds just the right type of functionality  to improve productivity or increase information or aesthetics without overwhelming features or crowding is crucial for me.

With that in mind Zemanta, is such a tool that helps to add a bit of colour to any blog. It scours sources of images which are usually available freely without licensing issues to insert into your blog. This is done on the fly and presents images in relation to the content being typed. Another feature is text links which you can select as well as tags based on content. Usually the links are a bit too much, highlighting almost every other word which Zemanta deems pertinent. Otherwise it offers a very simple system to link to other sources that might be of interest.

It is available for blogs as well as email and I’ve only used it on Firefox but it’s available on other browsers as well.
disclaimer: previously posted on my other blog.
Enhanced by Zemanta

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