Image by Des Geeks et des lettres via FlickrLimitless starring
Bradley Cooper is the story about an undisciplined, unmotivated down and out writer whose life gets turned around by a miracle drug that gives man the other 90% of brain usage that
Einstein said that is largely untapped.
Perspicuity, clairvoyance, acute awareness, incredible recall and retention are some of the affects of the pill. The aptitude to absorb and utilize any information for any purpose beyond normal human levels. What more power could a person want than knowing everything that they come into contact with in any way imaginable.
As good as the going gets, in the human world, there has always got to be a downside. In this case in the form of ever increasing human desire and consorting with undesirable elements engenders an ever spiraling vortex of misfortune and mortal consequences. What occurs is well worth watching.
The movie seemed to fall into the traps usually associated with movies of the kind, where power and greed leads to ever darker circumstances and masochistic writers visions of a world without hope and redemption. However, interesting twists and intelligent decisions lend the bit of course correction needed to pull this movie out of those traps.
Also starring
Robert DeNiro, this movie sees Cooper detach himself from sidekick roles and a bit of a breather from the usual action/comedy or the romantic sort and paint himself as a more serious thespian.
Bar the usual misgivings of most movies, this one is well worth the watch.
The movie is based on Alan Glynn's 'The Dark Fields,' which is very similar to the plot of the movie,
however, there is a e-book by the same author with the very same title and premise as the movie. It is not possible to link to it at the time but a quick search on Amazon should point to it.