Monday, April 18, 2011

Your Highness, a review

Your HighnessImage by Nik Sibley via FlickrYour Highness a comedic quest starring Danny Mcbride, James Franco, Natalie Portman and Zooey Deschanel fails to deliver, with only a smattering of quality humor which resonated more highly in the trailer than the movie itself.

The jokes, some of which, while slightly amusing, seemed to lack anything more than a momentary sustain. Although most fans will no-doubt enjoy the rawness of the off-color, salacious fare.

The tale seems to have been based, loosely, around the roman myth of Hercules with more than a passing reference to oracles, witches, a mechanical companion and cyclops.

For all the hype the trailers seemed to inspire, not much more could be gained from the movie, except of course, an incredible opening sequence.

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