Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sapling Mishapling

This is what's left of my sapling. Yes, that's right, after being savagely vandalized by goats (darn goats), I planted it back with two remaining leaves and now nada. Just the stem.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What desktop are you going tto wear today my good GUI?

I've been thinking about displaying my less than ordinary themes for a while now. While most people have ultra cool, jazzed-up themes mine are pretty plain and boring. Vista looks good (excuse me for disagreeing with all you design gurus and anything MS haters you you) and I tried to get something to emulate it without extra programs clogging up my system. Well unfortunately the package I got requires disabling a certain safety feature running in windows. Hmmm, so I ended up with something I created partly because unusual situations and visuals stimulate new brain connections, and I needed a new desktop:
This is the personalized color scheme that I used almost all the time previously.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

No can blog!

I haven't been able to upload any images to my blog for a day and now. I'm not sure what's up, but till I figure it out not much blogging for moi :.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Ok, i'm not to sure about the details of this festival as in when, how long it takes place etc. But I know the story behind it (not sharing) and some festivities including this floral arrangement that nearly everyone partakes in. Usually there are contests for the biggest and best but the homegrown non-competitive variety is purely just for its own sake.

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What a sap.

This is how rubber is obtained from a rubber tree. The grooves are cut into the bark and lead down towards a collector. The collectors look like halve coconut shells to me but I'm somewhat certain they're not. The little green shades are to prevent rain water from mixing with the rubber, um, 'juice'.

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Follow the signs

On my journey recently to Puttaparti in the state of Andhra Pradesh, me and my father decided to take a walk see. This is the road sign along a route which leads out of the town. The script bears only a sparse similarity to my own language and the letter forms seem to be phonetically different by tallying with its english counterparts just below.
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Interesting phenomenon

I came by this interesting water feature at a local carwash

Hiatus Much?

Finally, I can blog again. To that affect a neat and quick entry of my little cactus ori.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

'These times are so hard and it's getting even harder...'

Everybody complains that the web is too vast, congested with too much info, poorly organized yada yada. Well here's something that's VERY entertaining (had me LOL, well out little, but hardly anything ever does and that's speaking a lot) and it's a solution to solve the crises that plague what we know today as the interweb. I found it looking into alt.* groups and what not, early incarnations of the web and it's users, ramifications, evolution etc. But without further ado I give you the great, incomparable Kibo, (i'm not worthy, i'm not worthy)

check out the domain too and let me know what that's all aboot ;) wink wink. (;

Monday, July 16, 2007

Back to IELTS

I received my IELTS results in the mail today. The clear window in the front seemed to have been ripped out by some scavenger and the package was scuffed and bent. The packaging wasn't the only thing I was unhappy with.

Even though I saw my results online before, it felt so uncool to see it in print.

I have no problem with my listening mark, I lost focus early on when I didn't realise that the speaker had moved onto the next page. Then I fumbled up later on as well.

Reading, I've out done myself, (whoo hoo! chocolate covered double chocolate donut without the hole in the middle!) going at it like a relentless pack of wild dogs and earned the mark I rightfully deserved.

Writing marks resulted from me not getting as much practice as I had planned plus having an off day at the test. It just didn't flow as when I usually write and the stars weren't in alignment as well.

Speaking was an 8. Ok another mark i'm not happy with, even though it's better than a 7 *shudders at the thought*. Thought patterns and speaking rhythm do not have to be one continuous stream to be acceptable as highly skillful. Pauses dramatic or otherwise, gesturing, ho-humming are all part of modern speech. Oh and i'm sorry if the invigilator cannot keep up with me nor understand what I said at one point. I made perfect sense, proper vernacular AND grammatically correct. But I didn't feel I should've pointed out that what I had replied was precisely framed based on her question. My mistake, next time *i hope i won't have to again* I will point it out. Plus I do not feel all that comfortable talking to non-native english speakers as freely and lucidly as i would with native speakers. Even with native speakers, I gauge them and only talk to them within their realm of knowledge and culture. So gimme my damn 9 and we'll call it square fibonacci.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Mobile confusions

Having never used a mobile phone before, or is it cell phone?, and being the neurotic 'research till you cry' personality that I am before shopping for anything, the 'ordeal' is mind numbing.

I just hurrd that imma getting a new Nokia N70 phone courtesy of my papa, bless his wonderful heart. He's sweet and crazy and awesome like that. Anyway, I DON'T want it. I don't need it.
But I'm so weak, I might need it and want it, oh woe is me.

I have a good mind (62.45%) to make him take it back and get a cheap no frills phone. What transpires, we'll all have to wait and see. Till then I leave you with a picture of my shiny new preccioous...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I.E.L.T.S. find out what it means to me...

The results for my IELTS test are online. I was somewhat concerned about it considering some below par performance during the test and justifiably, my results aren’t quite what I was expecting. Needless, my overall score was an ok 8, although an 8.5 or 9 would’ve been highly appreciated.

....sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me.

What the HEY, who huh?

I just found out today that the sapling I planted was viciously ravaged and uprooted by a renegade band of goats. No eye witnesses just circumstantial evidence.

Luckily I found the remnants and planted it back. Hopefully it hasn’t wilted too much and will grow again. The top of the main branch was chewed off, I’m guessing, and only two little leaves remain.

First off

The first few slots go to some backlogged events and pics. I’d planted a tree quite recently, unfortunately there is no close up pic, just a long range shot. Along with this plantly endeavour, I also acquired a cactus a few months back and managed to finally plant it in a pot. Needless to say I’m dissatisfied with the planting and messed around with it. The consequence reminiscent of the leaning tower of pisa.

Barebones Daily

Ok this is my latest blog incarnation. My goal is just keep a sleek, succinct version of day to day events with a minimum of text. And images to map events, memories, etc. as well as providing visual(s) [appeal].