Saturday, December 31, 2011

Little Big Planet - Happy New Year!

Well here it is, the last day of 2011 and i'm spending it on the couch beside my girlfriend who is playing Little Big Planet (My much much belated review on that coming soon). There's no other place I'd rather be right now and nothing else I'd rather be doing.

With all our technologies and inter-connectivity it is truly a little big planet and it kinda neatly sums up the end of this year. It may true be able to communicate with people over vast distances but when it comes to intimacy, nothing beats the old-school way of face-to-face with a warm cup of a lil something to soothe and tastify the palate, mmmmm.

So with that, here's to the beginning of things new and the last entry for this year. See you in the new, Happy 2012.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

My subversion of U can't touch this

Pray (MC Hammer song)Image via WikipediaWell it's been so long since i've written anything about anything since i've been caught up in the endless work, college and more work cycle. So here's something to give a bit of life to my now slightly deserted blog:
Stop, cramming time!
Every time you see me, my reading list's so high.
I'm choked on these notes, and i'm staring at denial.
Why would I ever, stop to persist, with others making stretches, doing jack shit.
I've toured around the world, from Dublin to Kowloon bay.
It's a social bane, going slightly insane, yo, how much do I've to go, and the rest can go play, you can't touch this.
Ah to keep the brain going, tis truly the best gift in these times.

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