Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I moofed!

After being stuck in Tallaght for the greater part of the last 3 months, I have finally hauled myself 15 mins away from Dublin City Center (woot). The transition was tricky in that I had to manoeuvre myself so that someone would replace me in my old place while I found a new one for myself. Ireland is a tricky country to find good housing in with the majority being overpriced or room sharing - sometimes even bed sharing. I managed to find some good deals online only to find that many of them had been taken instantly or there was virtually no response.
After much pains and wonder at why I even undertook such a task (well I know exactly why I did; Tallaght is too far, too dead and too of everything not good oooh oooh oooh) I found my very own room. It's not the best but the location and price are hard to come by. Roomies seem cool to. Alls i have to do is turn my paranoia vision lower and get some furniture and utensils in the coming months and booyeah.
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