Friday, February 12, 2016

Nifty little keyboard shorcuts for Firefox

So through my sojourn on my interwebs, and even before I had access, I'd chance across handy little keyboard shortcuts which not only lessen the amount of mouse dragging and clicking but open up completely new actions which elevate usage to new heights.

Some of these are from collections found online and some of them I discovered; note, a good portion of them are things found online.

My favorite Firefox tricks include (might work for other browsers):
Ctrl + E OR F6 - Jump to the browser search bar
Ctrl + T - New tab
Ctrl + W - Close current tab
Ctrl + Shift + T - Open previously closed tab(s)
Ctrl + Shift + E - Global open tab view (a thumbnailesque view of all open tabs)
Ctrl + Tab - Cycle forward through open tabs
Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Cycle backward through open tabs

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